Thursday, December 30, 2010

Murder, Mayhem, and Mystery...

...ok so life isn't that exciting right now, sorry to disappoint. But it is an adequate title, as I have noticed myself gravitating towards crime/mystery novels and television of late. Psych, Castle, Doyle, Christie--you name it. I've loved the genre since my early teens, but I dunno...there's something about being in London that has reinvigorated that passion. Recently I read "The Man in the Brown Suit" for the first time, and am currently re-reading "Death on the Nile." I really do enjoy writing--hence the blog--and I think if I were clever enough to come up with a good crime plot I'd love to write a mystery novel someday. Perhaps London will inspire me.

Today it certainly did. The holidays were a particularly hectic time this year, and I felt a bit crazed. Afterwards I immediately began work on my revamped portfolio. Now that its done, finally I feel I have some time to relax.  Sometimes my favorite days here in the city are the days where I just wander. After the portfolio printing was done, I went to Cafe Nero for a muffin and coffee. Instead of eating in, I took it with me on an extended walk--just a wander--through the parks and streets of London. It wasn't a particularly lovely day--it misted, it was overcast--but it was also warmer than it has been of late. I took the opportunity to get some exercise.
Through Green Park I went, down by Buckingham Palace and glimpsed the Horse Guard Parade. After that I went through St. James park and didn't rush. The holiday season meant so much hustling and bustling. I was sick of walking fast, sick of bumping into the crowds (on Oxford and Regent Street, particularly), and feeling anxious. I walked slowly. I looked at the birds. I found out in the 13th century it was a leper colony.
Through the Horse Guard Museum I went, wondering as I past the mounted guards how they get their horses to stand perfectly still. I ended up on Whitehall road--to my left was Trafalgar Square, to my right was Houses of Parliament. It was noon, and Big Ben's tolls echoed through the surrounding area. Such a distinct sound.

Then I heard another distinct sound--a song. Beatles? Blasting...really really loud. Coming from the direction of Embankment. I walked towards it, confused. Then I heard Michael Jackson. And other dance party songs. This certainly wasn't someone's car speakers. This was professional.
Of course. Right on the edge of Embankment they were setting up concert speakers and doing sound tests for the New Year's Eve celebration tomorrow night. The big one. The fireworks. You know, the one you see on Dick Clark's (or is it Ryan Seacrest's?) New Year's Eve when they show scenes of something that's really happened 8 hours previous. It would be so amazing to go there tomorrow night--but when I think about it, the experience wouldn't be worth the hassle. Trampled by people--worse than Time's Square. Cold, tired, and jam packed Tube home. Crazy drunks. No thanks. But really cool to watch set up today.
From there I walked to South Bank, near the National Theatre, and Sat for a while. It was so peaceful--everyone was still up at Oxford Circus. I always though pre-Christmas shopping was the worst time of year to go to these commercial centers. But it was nothing--nothing--to what I endured the past two days when I had to run errands around there. After Christmas/Boxing Day is the worst time in London. Oh, and everything is closed--post offices, print shops, everything you kind of need....and no one seems to care.

But anyway, today was peaceful. I then walked to the Waterloo Station area and stopped by my favorite discount bookstore (it's kitty corner with the Old Vic--I forget the name but Londoners--check it out). If you want a classic, they have them all, and for only 2 pounds each, or 3 for 5. For less than I paid just to pick up Death on the Nile at Waterstones, I nabbed A Study in Scarlet &The Sign of Four, Pride and Prejudice, and another mystery novel called The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins. I'm looking forward to diving into all of these. All London/British based too.

And now I sit in the Lounge, relaxing till my next round of work begins. And, of course, bracing for more closures on the Bus, Tube, and everything vital this weekend, as New Year's Eve/Day holidays span Dec 31-Jan 4. Bravo, Britain.
At least I'm stocked up. 


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