Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fashions, fumbles, findings and faux pas...

The strangest parts about being in a foreign country, the things that surprise or give you culture shock, generally aren't the large things. I am used to different languages, accents, currency, etc. Yet the small things really trip me up--especially when I am feeling particularly jet-lag. A lot of these things I do know, I just forget until I am here again. And sometimes there are new things that surprise me. Here are my top 10:

10) From top-of-the-line iphone to crappy pay-as-you-go.

I now have the worlds most archaic cell phone. And when I go out for a day's adventure i forget to pack my trusty map, thanks to a reliance on my google map app. I just traveled back in time 4 years. (FYI don't call my american cell #--it's temporarily disconnected)

9) Looking the wrong way while crossing the street.

Yeah, I remember that cars drive on the other side of the road. it's getting used to looking R-L-R instead of L-R-L that is so hard.

8) Surprise! Here Splenda comes in little tablets, not granules.

They're like little mints.

7) Museums are always FREE. (my personal favorite!)

6) Don't talk about buying pants in public (pants = underwear).

5) I am the only person in the entire city wearing sunglasses. Better stop that.

4) Tea always tastes better.

I always forget this one, and am pleasantly surprised.

3) You can tell a London woman by her epic boots.

I envy all the pairs I see walking down the street every day.

2) The V&A offers short courses in subjects like Art Deco Design and The Making of Modern Theatre.
Yeah, they're pricey, but ANYONE can take them (including me!)

1) Carving pumpkins, no matter what country you are in or how old you are, makes it feel like Halloween!
From London
I bet you can guess which one is mine ;)


  1. you are SO cute!! and you have serious pumpkin carving skills... you'll have to teach me for next year!
