Monday, November 15, 2010

Back in Britain

Well I've been a bit lazy lately...posting that is. Life back in London has been pretty crazy from the word "go." Trying to get my bearings, hanging out with Justin and Fran, looking for a place, sightseeing, and doing normal things going to the doctor, getting groceries, visiting the bank.

Don't get me wrong--I love it here! This city still takes my breath away--and every part is so different--from the old regal feel of Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey (Still never been in!), to the bustling business of Picadilly Circus, to funky Camden, to the Victorian residential neighborhoods where I live.

So Saturday night I went out with Justin, Fran, and some of their friends to watch the boxing match at a local pub. Very traditional London thing to do. The experience was a lot of fun, though the fight was over in round 3 (not that I mind--i don't really like fighting or sports).

Sunday I visited both Liberty and the National Gallery for the first time. I will be writing a separate post about them tomorrow, because it was just so cool. I also watched "Donnie Darko" for the first time, which was an interesting experience.

Finally, today I went over to the British Museum to book tickets to see the "Book of the Dead" exhibition when Will comes to visit in December. Also got our tix for "War Horse" at the NT (puppets guys!) and to take a tour of the Royal Opera House (among our other epic adventures). I forgot how much I love the British Museum: i mean, they have one of the most amazing Greek and Roman collections I have ever seen, including the Parthenon Sculptures. Today I paid special attention to the (albeit small) room devoted to Korean art and culture, to start researching for my trip to Korea to see Lana and Steve.

Spent an hour or so at Covent Garden listening to a guy sing La Boheme in the courtyard, eating my favorite Ella's cupcakes and met a very silly man who claimed he used to be comedy partners with Eddie Izzard. I love crazy old people in seafoam poly-silk 3 piece suits.

Tomorrow's plan: Back to the Natural History Museum to see some Dinosaurs, then off to Harrods and King's Row to do some exploring and shopping! I hope all is well with you all.


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