Monday, November 29, 2010

Portobello Road and Hummingbird Bakery

The first thing I do when I wake up each morning is check outside for snow. Every day thus far I have been disappointed.

I've grown quite cross with igoogle weather. First it said definite snow last Thursday. Then definitely last Saturday (moving day). Then 9pm tonight. Frankly, I don't believe we'll get snow Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. I have lost my faith in the weatherman.

Nevertheless, it is freeeeezing outside! And with the Tube strike this weekend, it's not been very easy getting around London. After my disastrous experience on the bus from ikea, I only have faith in the 31. So yesterday, along with Fran and Angela, I went to the Westfield shopping center (yes, like in America). Sure it was like a regular mall, but sometimes you just need a shopping day with the girls. And we found quite a lot.

Today I was up and out earlier than usual. I found out I could take the 31 to the Portobello Market. Like the Camden Markets, the markets and stores up along Portobello Road are a great tourist attraction in London. Of course, I realize that more stalls are set up on the weekend, and that the summer would be much more pleasant than the freezing cold of winter. Nevertheless, it was more fun for me to check out the shops on the antiques side of the road than the other, newer areas.
There were some great little vintage-y shops, a few nicer looking antique places, and some fine menswear stores, like the newly opened Stumper & Fielding. Really nice wool and angora scarves for 29 pounds.
Finally I went to the Hummingbird Bakery to see what all the fuss was about. Let me tell you--its a damn good cupcake. It's very moist and the frosting, though super sweet, is delicious. I think it's all the rage over here because it's best made American cupcake. The frosting tastes like something you might get at any bakery over here. But there really hasn't been anything else like it so far in Britain. At least, that I've tasted. Apparently if I go there on a weekend the line'll be out the door.

But overall, for two strike days (and post move-in), I think the past two days have been productive. Also, I've had a chance to relax and settle in to my new room. More to come soon.


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