Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 11: Florence Top 10......(or retail therapy 2.0)

Ok. I admit it. things don't always go smoothly in the life of an adventurer. there are tough days as well as great days. we're now fully in to week two, and i think a certain level of homesick is starting to kick in.

when times are tough, i hear it's great to focus on the positive. and i like making lists. so here's my top 10 list of awesome & surprising things i've learned in Florence (so far)...

10. When you're feeling down, never underestimate the power of gelato.
not only is it delicious, but it has less fat content than regular ice cream.

9. Staying in can be almost as enjoyable as going out. Last night my mother and I made our own eggplant parmesan and tiramisu for dinner and dessert. Since we won't be spending the major holidays together this year, this trip is a great chance to spend some quality time together in--watching movies, making delicious food, and having fun.

8. Always check ahead to see if a museum is open (and make a reservation so you don't get stuck in a 2 hour line at the Uffizi). Alert. The Ferragamo Shoe Museum is closed till Nov. 18 for renovation :(

7. The Italians make a mean veggie burger. Vegetarians, if you're studying abroad or spending and extended holiday in Italy, check out Valsoia in your local grocer's freezer. These things are like Morningstar burgers--and they have meatballs and chicken patties as well.

6. Candy! Chocolate! Wine! Pasta! Olive Oil! If you want delicious gifts to bring home for the holidays, try the Mercato Centrale.
You can also get your fresh local produce there.

5. To me, the city looks almost as spectacular at night as it does during the day.

4. Walking through the streets I smell waffles. No, I'm not talking Rosco brand fog--real waffles. You can get them at the gelateria and they smell a-mazing. better than waffle cone smell (and let's face it, that's the best).

3. Costumers! Look up the work of Bronzino, especially the Medici Portraits, for fantastic costume history research.
The way he painted cloth and clothing was spectacular and revolutionary for his time. If you've taken Brandin's class, you've seen his work.

2. Looking at the designer shops can be fun. Beautiful, but depressing if you're on a budget. Don't linger too long--go down to the outdoor marketplace and buy yourself a nice substitute for less. Or, if you want to splurge, try the local boutiques or leather factory stores. Beautiful, and still less than a Chanel (plus, you can't buy them everywhere!)

1. My number one perk for the week? Early Christmas! Thanks, Mom, for the gorgeous new boots :)
From Italy



  1. Gelato good . . . . Food always makes life grander!

  2. gelato and new boots?! sounds like life is goooood :)
