Friday, November 19, 2010

Celebrity Sighting!

So I wasn't planning on posting today, because I didn't really have a plan. I'm off to Cambridge this weekend to spend time with my family, and I leave tonight on the train. My non-plan for the day was to stay indoors and have a lazy day reading, watching movies, and maybe napping.

But this morning it was TOO nice out! It's been overcast and raining the past couple of days, and I looked at the weather report for the weekend--rain in Cambridge too. Today was one of those rare days where it was clear, sunny, and almost double digits in Celsius.
So I hopped on the tube and decided to take a walk through St. Jame's Park. I got off and walked around past Buckingham Palace (the guards wear grey overcoats that cover their red during the cold days) and through the park by the lake.

From there I through St. Jame's, down Horse Guards Road and through the archway near the horseguard's parade.
As I come out the other end, I am bombarded with tourists and cameras. At first I think they are taking pictures of the guards on horseback, stationed outside this building. But then I turn around, and there is a HUGE crowd gathered around the banqueting house at the corner of Whitehall Place.
We stand here for a while, and I wonder what's going on. I don't ask anyone, but I go a bit closer. "Hmm..." I think, "We're quite close to Downing Street, maybe I'll see the Prime Minister. Or maybe It'll just be some cabinet official who I don't know at all."

And the, from out of the building and into the crowd steps...

Prince Charles!
It was sooooo strange, I was actually shocked! He waved politely at all of us, got in his car (just a fancy sedan, no police escort, no limo treatment) and drives away. He even does the little "royal wave" from the car. It was soooooooo funny!

I guess it was just one of those "right place, right time" kind of things. Never have I seen a member of the royal family before...or anyone of that importance and magnitude. 

All in all, good afternoon out. Went afterwards to South Bank, had a coffee, read my book. Found out there's a chocolate festival there in december. Sooo...yeah. 

Good day.

1 comment:

  1. coooooool! especially with all the buzz about the royal family this week... how exciting!!
