Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been discovered!

....just kidding. Though this did put a smile on my face--today on my way out of the tube station, this attractive man told me he was looking for new talent to model for a fashion label, and that my look was fantastic. Now I just laughed, and told him politely thanks but no thanks. You never know what these guys are up to, and we are taught to be very wary. was nice that the man was, for a change, young and attractive instead of creepy and old. So, bonus points for one day.

I was wearing my new coat at the time--I am so in love with it! Coming to London I only brought my short green jacket and my hideously loud houndstooth winter coat. Either I was too cold or stood out too much. Well I finally invested in a black woolen coat--and it is great! It fits well, it's made partially from recycled wool, and get's from H&M! Only 50 pounds--much less than anything else I have seen here on in the states. Check it out:
I figure when military is no longer chic i can take the gold buttons and buckle off and replace them with a subtle black.

Today, as you know, I checked out East London--specifically Spitafields Market and Brick Lane. It was quite a dreary afternoon in London. This place is becoming very trendy, but my Lonely Planet guide says that the key times to go are Sunday afternoons. Instead of crowds of holiday shoppers I just had locals on their way home from work. Not that exciting when you are going out on your own. I did find one cool menswear store there: Nigel Hall.

So I left early and took the tube down to the Old Vic (Kevin Spacey is artistic director there). I got myself a ticket to go see Noel Coward's "Design for Living" tomorrow night. They have a special deal for under 25s: 12 pound tickets! I also picked up a pair for the opening of "A Flea in Her Ear" on Dec 4. Opening nights are so much fun! I'll post reviews here on the blog.

I was out all afternoon, and thankfully I just beat the rain. As I sit now, having a cup of tea in the living room, it is pouring outside (and still 6 degrees C). Time to cuddle up with Northanger Abbey, which I bought at a discount bookstore on my way home, and go to bed early. Tomorrow I get back to theatre!


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